Are you trying to become the best lacrosse player of 2023? If so, one skill you must master is how to catch a lacrosse ball!
Catching a lacrosse ball can be intimidating and complex, but with some practice and guidance from an expert, it'll soon become second nature.
In this blog post, we'll provide step-by-step instructions for correctly catching a lacrosse ball and help ensure that you are one of the top players in your class. So read on to learn all you need to know about catching the perfect pass!
Take Away Key Points:
Best Methods to Practice Catching a Lacrosse Ball
Moving the lacrosse ball well into all parts of the lacrosse field is necessary for all lacrosse players. Catching a lacrosse ball helps your teammates gain victory faster.
Drills like wall ball, friendly toss, and ground ball assist any lacrosse player becomes better in the sport.
Below you can find the best steps to achieve the best catching methods.
Step 1: Hold your lacrosse stick properly

When practicing catching a lacrosse ball, your non-dominant hand (bottom hand) should be near the butt end of the lacrosse stick.
On the other hand, your dominant hand (top hand) should be near the top of the lacrosse stick. This is because your hands will be more distant during lacrosse catching than when throwing a possession.
Step 2: Keep your body position proper in lacrosse catching
You must practice as you play, so you should never stand straight up or stay still while playing lacrosse. Instead, you should take an athletic stance and move your feet to the ball.
Some of the guides for the proper body position include:
- Ensure you are facing the direction the pass is coming from
- Stand in an athletic position with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Once the lacrosse ball flies toward you, move your feet so that the ball can come to you instead of catching it in an awkward position
Once you catch a lacrosse ball, ensure you're keeping your lacrosse stick "in the box" to make your teammates have a perfect target to focus on and hit it. The box is the distance from your shoulder to the top of your helmet. You should make your stick a visible target point in the box and move your foot to ensure the ball reaches the target area each time.
Step 3: Practice lacrosse-catching variations
Lacrosse Cross-Body Catching and Cross-Handed (or Cross-Body Catching) are the two most popular catching variations to help you catch and pass the ball to your lacrosse players. However, you cannot always catch and throw the ball perfectly, as opponents might attack you.
Lacrosse players should switch hands for a catch but also catch by moving their stick across their body. For instance, they can hold a stick on their right side and move it across their body to catch on the left side without switching hands.
The main benefit of such a catch is that players catch with their dominant hand and are in a better position to shoot or pass. They don't need to struggle with their non-dominant hand and can catch easier for faster action.
But don't forget that all players should practice both hands to catch, pass and throw balls in all positions and to all team members for better performance.

Step 4: Practice lacrosse Flipz
Lacrosse Flipz is also some of the most popular methods for catching, next to wall ball, ground ball, triple threat position, and similar drills.
Lacrosse players start with the ball in their stick. Then, they should throw the ball in the air, four to five feet above their head. Next, they should raise the head of the stick above their shoulder and look the ball into their stick.
Thus, they will form a soft, light cradle. Players should repeat the action 10,000 times. After each fifty to one hundred reps, players should take a break. They should also be patient while practicing to update the drills for a better pass and throw with their lacrosse stick.
Can You Use a Tennis Ball for Young Players?
Regular balls are hard and might be scary for young players. For this reason, young players use various Swax Lax balls since they are softer, so youth have more confidence while playing.
However, players should not use tennis balls and pinkies to practice lacrosse. The main reason for such a stance is that these balls are too light and tend to bounce off the sticks.
In addition, players struggle to keep the proper ball control with these objects, and it's difficult to throw and pass the ball forward once they bounce off the stick.
Instead, Swax Lax balls are ideal for teaching the younger athletes the basics, so they can master the stick skills faster and become more dominant on the field.
The Main Keys to Successful Lacrosse Catching
Below you can find some of the most valuable tips to practice and practice catching the ball easily. The best tips include the following:

Frequently Asked Questions
What are a few key components of catching a lacrosse ball?
Key components to catch a lacrosse ball include the following:
- Hand positions & grip: make your hands and wrists flexible and not stiff
- Ensure a suitable target: Keep the head of the stick in the box area while the front of the stick faces the target
- Look the ball into the stick: Ensure the possession is inside the pocket of the stick before moving on to the next step
- Use soft hands: Ensure the ball comes to the stick. Do not stab at the possession or attack it.
How do you catch a girl's lacrosse ball?
To catch a girls' lacrosse ball, follow the steps below:
- Keep your stick vertical
- Use soft hands to give the possession
- Watch the possession to prepare for the next step
- Do not stab or pinch at the possession
- Catch the possession below the shoulder
- Cradle the possession for a faster movement
What are the 3 steps for catching in lacrosse?

The three steps include:
- Keeping your stick in the box position
- Keep your top hand on the top of the stick
- Give the possession instead of snapping or attacking it
What is the correct catching technique?
The correct technique includes the following:
- Keeping eyes on the ball
- Moving feet to match the line with the ball
- Moving hands to meet the object
- Relaxing fingers and hands to catch the ball
- Catching and controlling the ball with hands only
- Bending elbows to absorb the force of the ball
How do I stop being afraid of ball lacrosse?
If you're afraid of playing lacrosse, you can apply the methods below to surpass your fear:
- Use specific drills to reduce fear
- Be patient
- Adjust your mental health and approach
- Wear protective gear
- Start with softer balls
Can you catch a lacrosse ball with your hands?
No, lacrosse players cannot touch the ball with their hands, only with their sticks.
Through this blog post, we have discussed the various steps on how to catch a lacrosse ball and become an advanced player.
Take time out every day to practice these steps diligently, and you'll notice your skill with catching lacrosse balls will improve drastically in no time.
If you're having difficulty aiming or gripping the pocket correctly, try seeking help from a professional coach who can show you practical tips and techniques fairly quickly.