Reach Incredible Speed: How Fast Do Lacrosse Players Shoot? (2023 Guide)

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Let's face it: if you want to be a great lacrosse player and take your game to the next level, the speed of a lacrosse ball is one of the most important factors.

But have you ever wondered just how fast do lacrosse players shoot? In this blog post, we'll explore the mind-boggling speeds that some professional players reach and break down techniques on how they can do so.

As someone who loves the sport of lacrosse community, whether you dream of playing professionally or want to increase the accuracy and average speed of a lacrosse ball during practice sessions, this guide will give you all the information necessary for you to become an incredible shooter in no time!

Scroll down now, and let's get started.


Take Away Key Points:

  • The average lacrosse shot speed for competitive college-level players is around 70 mph, whereas professional players can reach speeds up to 100 mph.
  • The skill and experience level of the lacrosse player significantly affects their average shot speed.
  • Practicing with lacrosse gloves can help athletes reach and improve their maximum shooting potential in terms of accuracy and average speed of a lacrosse ball.
  • Proper form is paramount when improving one's average shot speed; the correct technique will help increase one's velocity.

Average Shooting Speeds of Different Competitive Tiers

The speed of a lacrosse shot can make all the difference between winning and losing.

Generally, the average shot speed for competitive players at the college level is around 70 mph, while professional lacrosse players can shoot up to 100 mph. On the other hand, a recreational lacrosse player and a youth lacrosse player can also throw a lacrosse ball faster, reaching up to 80mph!

However, different skill and experience levels vary greatly across different competitive tiers and age groups, which means that various average shot speeds are expected.


Average Shot Speeds

Youth lacrosse players

60-70 mph

High-school lacrosse players

70-85 mph

College players

80-95 mph

Professional lacrosse players

90-105 mph

What is Average Lacrosse Shot Speed?

Lacrosse is a fast-paced and exciting sport, and the speed at which players shoot the lacrosse ball has much to do with the success of their game. Average shot speeds of a lacrosse ball travel between 60-70 miles per hour, depending on whether they're taken from close or long range.

In addition, the angle at which the shot is taken will also affect its average speed. As a result, players can increase their average shot speed in lacrosse to even higher ranges!

What Affects the Shot Speed?

how fast do college lacrosse players shoot

The speed of a lacrosse shot is based on major factors such as the shooter's power, form, pocket whip, technique, and lacrosse stick weight.

  • Power - An effective arm extension, shooting motion, and hip and body rotation generate power in a shot. The shooter should also ensure that their arm release is quick and controlled. Working your arm muscles can also maximize a faster shot!
  • Form - The correct form needs to be used to effectively transfer power to the lacrosse ball, including keeping a stable head position, bringing the lacrosse stick back far enough, and eliminating unnecessary movement.
  • Pocket whip - The whip of the lacrosse pocket is among the main components that play an essential role in the speed of a shot. The whip measures how much depth or curvature there is in the strings of the pocket, affecting the speed at which the lacrosse ball exits the stick. A deeper, more curved pocket will result in a greater whip, which ultimately increases the velocity of your shot as it releases off your stick. Knowing how to adjust the whip of your pocket can help you find that perfect sweet spot for maximizing your shot speed.
  • Technique - Proper stick technique and shooting motion can drastically increase shot speed. As well as having an ergonomically designed shaft like most brands offer nowadays, there is a need for the stick head to be open in contact with the lacrosse ball, which encourages uninterrupted momentum from contact through follow-through.
  • Stick weight - The stick weight can also affect shot accuracy and distance - lighter lacrosse sticks increase shot speed but reduce control, meaning shooting accuracy often decreases with a lighter stick. Additionally, your body torque will determine how fast the ball travels once you use the proper stick weight.

Knowing factors that affect the shot speed of a lacrosse shot will help lacrosse players develop their shooting techniques over time to increase accuracy and consistency and ultimately reach their maximum potential in terms of efficiency when shooting on goal.

Different Types of Lacrosse Shots

There are a variety of different lacrosse shots you can use to score goals.

how fast do women's lacrosse players shoot
  • Sweep shot - The most basic shot is the overhand or "sweep" shot, where you thrust your stick forward in an arc and release the lacrosse ball with the back of your stick.
  • Sidearm/underhand shot - You can also use a sidearm or underhand shot to get around defenders and increase accuracy.
  • Bounce shot - Another popular type of shot is called the "bounce shot", which involves bouncing the lacrosse ball off the ground and over obstacles before shooting it into the goal.
  • Snap shot - Requires snapping your wrists to add extra power to your shot while still providing accuracy.

With practice and repetition, any of these shots can be mastered to help you become a more effective offensive player.

How to Increase Your Lacrosse Shot Power?

1. Increase lacrosse shot power through muscle strengthening

Strengthening your muscles and the entire body is the best way to increase shot power in lacrosse.

All players should focus on training exercises that target the core, back, and leg muscles. A strong core will help you generate more force during a shot and better control your body's torque.

Workouts for strengthening and conditioning the arms will also be beneficial, as powerful arms are essential for increased shooting velocity.

2. Don't neglect your lacrosse gloves

Practicing with lacrosse gloves on can help players increase their shot speeds and accuracy. Wearing lacrosse gloves ensures that you have a firm grip on the stick, which enables you to generate more power behind your shots.

Additionally, when you practice shooting with gloves on, your hands will become accustomed to the padding, and it will no longer hinder your ability to feel the lacrosse ball in your hands. This allows for greater control and accuracy of each shot.

Furthermore, wearing lacrosse gloves protects players from hand injuries such as fractures or cuts while they practice their shooting. All in all, practicing with lacrosse gloves is an essential part of improving shot speed and accuracy.

3. Perfect your lacrosse shooting technique

An important aspect of improving shot power is to practice proper form during shots. Players can incorporate the optimal technique into every shot to maximize velocity and accuracy as they become accustomed to their shooting mechanics.

Here are some of the benefits of perfecting your lacrosse shooting technique and average speed:

how fast do high school lacrosse players shoot
  • Improved shot power: Players can generate more power on their shots for greater accuracy, average speed, and distance with proper form and mechanics.
  • Increased accuracy: Players can become more consistent at placing the ball in the designated target area when they focus on their form.
  • Distraction-proof shooting: By honing in on a specific technique, players can ignore opponents' distractions or spectators' noise, so they stay focused on each shot.
  • Reduced injury risk: Proper lacrosse shooting technique reduces tension in the arms, shoulders, and back which helps lower the risk of injury during play.

4. Enhance lacrosse shot power with resistance training

Practicing with weighted lacrosse balls or resistance bands can help simulate game conditions while increasing explosive power while shooting.

Resistance training helps to simulate game conditions while strengthening different muscle groups. In addition, the concentrated effort of working against resistance increases muscular endurance and improves the coordination of muscle movements.

As a result, lacrosse players can increase shot speed and accuracy through resistance training.

Lacrosse Shooting Drills You Can Try on Your Next Practice

When perfecting your lacrosse shooting technique, drills are essential for mastering the sport's nuances. Whether you're a professional lacrosse player or just starting, these shooting drills can help you take your game to the next level.

- Overhead throw: Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Hold the lacrosse stick in one hand over your head, then rotate and snap your wrist as you throw. Make sure to follow through with a whole arm movement while throwing.

- Elbow pass: Start in a squat position facing away from the goal and hold the stick in front of you with both hands close together on your right elbow. Turn to face the goal and extend both arms straight out while taking two steps forward, then push with both hands releasing the ball towards the goal while bending your wrists outward at the end of each pass.

- Hop shot: Start by facing sideways towards the goal, then hop quickly before releasing the ball into your target area, focusing on making contact near the center of your lacrosse stick for power and accuracy. Keep practicing until you can consistently hit your target area each time you hop shoot.


How fast is the fastest lacrosse shot?

The world record for the fastest recorded lacrosse throw has been achieved by Nick Diegel, smashing his record with a new shot of 127.4 mph.

His previous fastest lacrosse shot speeds are record-breaking and mark the shot of 123.1 mph!

Patrick Luehrsen of the USA also holds the Guinness World Record for his fastest shot ever made with a lacrosse ball, having achieved an impressive 119.9 mph speed.

How fast do college lacrosse players shoot?

An average shot speed of a college lacrosse player is between 85 to 95 miles per hour.

College lacrosse players are known for having impressive shot speed, although many don't reach the same shot speed potential as the pros.

With advanced training, practice, and dedication, however, college lacrosse players can push their shooting speed even further - some have achieved shots as fast as 110 mph!

How fast are women's lacrosse shots?

Women's lacrosse players are known for having slightly slower game shot speeds than their male counterparts, averaging between 70-80 mph.

However, dedicated women's lacrosse players can push their shooting speed even further, achieving shots in the 90s and even reaching triple digits - the fastest shot for women's lacrosse so far has been clocked at 101 mph!

Why is my lacrosse shot slow?

There could be a few explanations for why your lacrosse shot is slow.

It could be that you haven't developed the necessary strength and coordination to shoot with more power.

It could also be that you are not using proper technique when shooting- it's important to focus on form when shooting to generate maximum speed and power. 

How do I increase my shot power in lacrosse?

There are several different ways to increase your shot power in lacrosse. The first step is ensuring proper technique and form when shooting.

This includes things like keeping your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in alignment, keeping the stick cocked back, making sure there is minimal sideward movement as you release the ball, and maintaining a strong grip on the stick.

Additionally, building upper body strength through exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups and squats can help you generate more power with each shot.

Final Words

In conclusion, how fast do lacrosse players shoot?

Lacrosse players can shoot with tremendous speed and power using the proper techniques and drills.

With the help of resistance training, proper form, and shooting drills, any lacrosse player can take their shot speed to the next level.

While practice is essential, it is equally important to remember to stay safe while playing lacrosse.

So get out there and start improving your skills!

Freddy Woods

Freddy is the heart and soul of Lacrosse Runner. As a former athlete, Freddy is very passionate about Lacrosse. He keeps up with the sport's changes and innovations and often tests the new equipment released by the leading manufacturers. Read more here